October 21, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Ephesians 6:17!

Yo, listen up, Ephesians 6:17,
Put on your swag and get weaponized, my brethren!
Rock the helmet of salvation, keep that mind aligned,
Grab the mighty sword of truth, leave the devil behind!
No need for shiny armor, just put on God’s grace,
Time to rap for Jesus, win this righteous race!


Breaking News ### Psalm 40:8 ###

BREAKING: Psalm 40:8 reveals divine declaration! Almighty God announces, “I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your law is within my heart.” In this unprecedented revelation, deity unequivocally proclaims obedience and passion for divine commands. Trust deepens as God’s commitment commences. Profound implications unfold as humans absorb this profound, sacred proclamation. Stay tuned for divine developments!


Chillax Verse of the Day Matthew 5:13!

Yo man, check it out. Jesus was like, “Yo, you stoners are the real deal, man. You’re the salt of the earth, adding that zesty flavor to the whole planet. But hey, if that salt loses its flavor, what good is it? It’s like a waste, man. So stay chill, keep being awesome, and don’t lose your stoner vibes!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 20:1!

Now listen up, y’all! It ain’t fittin’ to go guzzlin’ down the moonshine like a fool, ’cause it’ll leave ya staggerin’ like a drunk raccoon in the holler! Best keep yer senses, I reckon, and leave the likker be ‘fore ya make a fool of yerself fer everyone to see!