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October 17, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 119:93!

In the word, I’ll never dwell,
You gave me life, you make it swell.
I won’t forget your sweet command,
I’m boppin’ to the Bible, that’s my jam.
The truth you speak, it sets me free,
God’s got my back, that’s plain to see.
A holy rap, I gotta say,
Thank you, Lord, for lighting my way!


Breaking News ### Psalm 25:14-15 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 25:14-15 Brings Divine Insight

In a stunning revelation, Psalm 25:14-15 unveils divine secrets for those who seek guidance. The Lord intimately shares His plans and steers the righteous onto a righteous path. This exclusive, breaking news assures devout believers that open hearts and trust in the Almighty lead to divine wisdom and His eternal covenant. Stay tuned for spiritual revelations.


Chillax Verse of the Day Thessalonians 4:7!

Ayo bros, in Thessalonians 4:7, it’s like the big man upstairs is spittin’ some legit knowledge at us. He’s like, “Yo, cut the BS and be chill, showin’ love and respect, instead of messin’ with someone else’s playin’ field.” So, play it cool, man, and don’t be a buzzkill. Peace, dudes!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 9:41!

Ya’ll listen up now, cause I reckon ol’ Jesus done said somethin’ mighty interestin’. He said, “If any of y’all give a feller a drink ’cause he believes in me, I tell ya, he ain’t gonna lose out on nothin’. That kinda kindness sure don’t go unnoticed up in heaven, y’hear?”