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October 16, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Luke 11:28!

Yo, listen up, don’t ya fall behind,
Hear Jesus speak and bear in mind,
They said, “Blessed is the womb that bore you!”
But Jesus replied, “Nah, that ain’t true.
Even better, those who hear and obey,
They’ll be blessed, come what may!”
So rock on, peeps, let’s all relate,
To be blessed, just keep God’s word straight!


Breaking News ### Psalm 19:14 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 19:14

In a powerful declaration, Psalm 19:14 calls for a revolution in speech and meditation. Breaking through the noise, it urges for words that honor, thoughts that please. As the world watches, this divine instruction becomes an anthem, inspiring hearts to align their tongues with righteousness, leaving no room for negativity. A transformative message, with the power to reshape lives. #Psalm19:14


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 12:21!

“Hey dudes, don’t let the bummer vibes bring you down. Stick it to the evil buzz and let the good vibes giggle your way. Spread only peace, love, and groovy vibes, for that’s how you overcome those lame haters, man. Keep it real, dude. Rock on and stay trippy, my friends!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 9:23!

Now listen here y’all, if’n ya got a lil’ faith da size of a mustard seed, ya reckon ya can move mountains? Yup, reckon so, ’cause I tell ya what, nothin’ be impossible fer ya! So quit yer worryin’ and start believin’, ’cause faith can work some mighty miracles, I tell ya!