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October 15, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of 2 Thessalonians 2:15!

Yo, listen up, hear the truth that I’m spittin’
In Thessalonians we got the wisdom written
Keep it tight, stay true to the teachings without fussin’
Stay rooted in the word, there ain’t nothin’ that’s buzzin’
Hold on tight and don’t you dare be slackin’
Rockin’ your faith, no matter what’s crackin’!


Breaking News ### 2 Samuel 7:22 ###

Breaking News: God’s Unprecedented Promises in 2 Samuel 7:22!

In a monumental proclamation, the Almighty One reveals His matchless power and unrivaled love! “There is none like you, O Lord,” declared King David. In a remarkable covenant, God promises an everlasting dynasty for David’s lineage, shaping history forever. Never before witnessed, this divine settlement marks a turning point for the chosen nation!


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 13:11-12!

Yo, listen up dudes and dudettes! It’s time to rise and shine, like, seriously! The snooze button is so last season. The night is chill vibes fading away, so let go of snoozy town and embrace the new day, looking fly. It’s all about waking up and rocking the world with your awesomeness, you feel me?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 18:24!

“Y’all reckon a feller with friends got himself a good stash of homemade moonshine. But a real buddy sticks with ya through thick ‘n thin, like a tick on a hound dog. So, find yerself a true pal, ’cause ain’t no better treasure than kinfolk with a heart full of cornbread love, I tell ya.”