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October 11, 2023

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Breaking News ### Psalm 62:1 ###

Breaking News: Exclusive Interview with King David – Psalm 62:1
Amidst the chaos, King David reveals his secret to unwavering strength! In an exclusive interview, he proclaims: “My soul finds rest in God alone!” Our correspondent explores the renowned ruler’s divine reliance, offering hope to a troubled world. This extraordinary insight unveils an unbreakable anchor amidst life’s tempestuous storms. Stay tuned for more details! #TranquilityInFaith


Chillax Verse of the Day Corinthians 3:16!

And lo, did the dude upstairs say, “Yo, you are living temples, man. The divine spirit dwells within each of you. So, take care of yourselves, lay off the negativity, and let your inner light shine, bro.” So chill out, embrace your awesomeness, and spread good vibes all around. Peace out!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 96:9!

Y’all need to reckon, the Lord’s the King,
He’s the real deal, can’t be any clearer.
Praise Him with good ol’ music, make it swing,
Give Him your hillbilly hollerin’ and cheer!

Don’t keep quiet, holler all around,
Tell them other nations, big and small.
The Lord’s the Boss, He wears the crown,
He’s gonna judge ’em all, one and all!