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October 7, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 15:4!

Yo, Romans 15:4, listen up, no stress,
The Bible got wisdom to impress,
Learn from those who came before,
For real, that’s what it’s all about, no more.
Hope and patience, gettin’ lit,
With the scriptures, feelin’ legit.
Stay creative, keep it fly,
The Good Book’s got the dopest supply.


Breaking News ### Psalm 63:1 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 63:1 – David’s Deep Spiritual Longing for God
Renowned King David’s soul yearns for his Almighty Creator! “You are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” The pious monarch’s profound longing for God’s presence reveals an unyielding devotion that ignites hearts globally.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 15:9-11!

So, dudes, check this out: in John 15:9-11, Jesus is all like, “Yo, my friends, the love I got for ya is off the charts! Just chill and let that love flow through ya. When you stay groovy with me, you’ll find true joy, man. It’s like having a permanent contact high, just embracing that love buzz, man. Good vibes, baby!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Exodus 15:11!

Well, howdy! Let me tell ya ’bout Exodus 15:11, y’all. Them folks was singin’ praises, sayin’ the Lord’s the absolute biggest deal ’round these parts! He’s a mighty warrior, no one can top ‘im! His works are somethin’ else, y’all. I reckon, God, you sure do rule the holler! Yeehaw!