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October 5, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 119:105!

Yo, the Word’s a flashlight in this dark abyss,
Guiding my path, keeping me from that painful twist.
No need for maps, this verse leads the way,
Showing me choices, helping me not to stray.
Psalm 119:105, keeping it real,
Like a rap battle, making the devil kneel.


Breaking News ### Isaiah 55:6 ###

Breaking News: Seek the Lord!, Isaiah 55:6, Urges Nation
In a stunning revelation, the prophet Isaiah delivers a fervent call to action. This urgent message implores citizens to seek the Lord while He may be found. Igniting debate, these powerful words suggest divine intervention upon us. Will the people heed this plea before it’s too late? Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story. #SeekTheLord


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalm 96:11-13!

Chill dudes and dudettes, let’s give it up for the universe! Praise Mother Nature, sing her sweet melodies. Declare her glory, the blissful vibes she brings. Let mountains sway, trees rejoice in their groovy dance. Let all the creatures of Earth feel the rhythm, for peace and love are the ultimate jam!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Samuel 12:15!

Listen up, y’all! Th’ good Lord done brought us through ups’n’downs. But if ya don’t trust in ‘im, reckon the sky’s gonna barf thunderstorms on ya! He ain’t no deadbeat liar, He sticks to His promises. So, git yer act together, serve the Lord mighty right, and He’ll bless ya till th’ cows come home!