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September 23, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 16:9!

Yo, listen up, I got wisdom to share,
Proverbs 16:9, let me make it clear.
You plan your path, you think it’s fly,
But lemme tell you, the Lord’s got a reply.
You may think you got the moves, think you got it all,
But God’s the one with the final call, y’all!
So drop that pride, trust His hand,
And let Him lead you across this crazy land.


Breaking News ### Romans 5:3-4 ###

Breaking News: Christians encouraged to persevere amidst adversity! Romans 5:3-4 reveals Apostle Paul’s message of hope. “Rejoice in suffering, for endurance produces character and character hope.” Despite trials, believers urged to stay strong, viewing difficult times as an opportunity for personal growth. Don’t lose faith, for within every challenge lies the potential for a brighter future! Stay tuned for more updates.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 15:17-19!

Like, dudes, here’s the deal: love each other and spread those good vibes, ’cause I’m all about that peace and mellow flows. Don’t stress about haters, man, they ain’t down with our chill ways. We’re all groovy and chosen for this righteous path, so keep on keepin’ on, my friends.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 79:9!

Lawd, reckon how long y’all wanna stomp on us like a pesky beetle? Ain’t it ’bout time you showed some mercy? We hillbillies don’t deserve all this woe! Them folks up yonder, they laughin’ at us. Come’on now, save us, Lord, ‘fore our now-n-laters go bad and we’re left pickin’ hills off our biscuits!