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September 22, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 9:9-10!

When life hits hard, don’t you worry, stay cool,
God’s got your back, He ain’t no fool.
In times of trouble, He’s your safe place, not a fight,
You can kick back, relax, and trust His might.
For those who know Him, fear is just a myth,
He’s a real buddy, the ultimate Smith.


Breaking News ### Romans 15:7 ###

Breaking News: Romans 15:7 – “Accept One Another, Just As Christ Accepted You”

In a divine proclamation, Paul’s letter to the Romans reveals a powerful message of unity. Breaking boundaries and prejudice, it urges acceptance for all, mirroring the compassionate example set by Jesus. This timely reminder encourages humanity to embrace diversity and extend grace, fostering a world filled with love and inclusivity.


Chillax Verse of the Day Proverbs 11:30!

Yo, check it out: “A chill and stoked dude brings good vibes to others, like spreading seeds of awesomeness. But the wicked? They just harsh everyone’s mellow. So, like, be cool and spread those positive vibes, man. Don’t be a buzzkill, be a seed sower and keep the good times rollin’, dude!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 13:22!

“Now, reckon listen here, y’all! That good seed, some folks, they’s like that thar thorny patch. See, life’s goodies come knockin’, but their ol’ hearts be choked by worries and riches. Ain’t no fur’derance for fruit growin’! They’s straight thumpin’ the brakes on blessings, I tell ya! A realit’ check, alright!”