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September 20, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 9:9!

When you’re down, feeling sad and blue,
Remember, I got a verse for you.
The Lord’s a refuge, a hiding place,
Like a big umbrella in a stormy chase.
He’s there to save you, no need to doubt,
So come on now, let those worries shout!


Breaking News ### Joel 2:23 ###

Breaking News: Joel 2:23

Amidst a time of drought and despair, a ray of hope emerges! The prophet Joel unveils a divine announcement: “Rejoice, citizens! Deliverance is near.” God promises abundant rains, replenishing the barren land, restoring crops, and bringing joy to all. The heavens rejoice, echoing the sound of relief resonating across the nation. Stay tuned for bountiful blessings! #Joel2:23


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalm 9:13-14!

Dude, check it out — those who dig your name will be safe, no harm will come their way at all. You got their back, coolio! You hang out with them when times are tough, and you’re their VIP at parties. Blessings for life, man, gettin’ down to the rhythm of your righteous groove.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 17:27!

Ya reckon God ain’t far from none of us? He done give us a hollerin’ message ‘bout gettin’ on the right path ‘n findin’ our way home. He don’t play hide ‘n seek, y’all! That good ol’ Lord above us wants us to come a-runnin’ and seek Him.