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September 18, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Isaiah 35:4!

Yo, check out Isaiah 35:4, don’t ya snore,
Fear not, my peeps, my rhymes will restore,
Be strong, be chill, don’t you be shy,
God’s got your back, He’s flyin’ high!

When you’re feeling weak, know that He’s near,
He’ll hold you up, gotta make it clear,
His rap game’s strong, His love is rare,
So don’t trip, just trust and have no fear!


Breaking News ### Philippians 2:3-4 ###

BREAKING: Philippians 2:3-4 – In a stunning revelation, ancient manuscript uncovers key advice for the world today. Urgent message promotes selflessness and servicing others above oneself. Popular author Paul encourages unity by putting others’ needs first, setting aside personal agendas. Global impact anticipated as peace and harmony prevail. Uncover the powerful truth, live it today!


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 12:17-19!

Yo, dudes and dudettes! Don’t trip on getting back at those who mess with ya. Spread that chill vibe and do what’s cool, man. Let the universe handle the karma stuff, she knows what’s up. Trust in the higher power, let them sort out the rest. Keep it mellow, dudes! Peace out!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Amos 5:4-5!

Hear me now, y’all! Listen up, folks!
If y’all seek Yahweh, the big man upstairs,
Just scuttle on over to Bethel fair,
But quit yer worshipin’ Golden Calf – it’s rotten!
Turn away from Samaria, she’s plumb forgotten!
So, y’all come runnin’ to Him, don’t delay,
Or He’ll get cranky, like a coon out on a Saturday!