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September 16, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 34:17-19!

God be like, when His peeps are broken,
He’s like an SOS, ain’t no jokin’.
He’ll deliver, with no delay,
Way before you say, “Hey, I need to pray!”
If you’re troubles weighin’ you down,
He’ll lift you up, ain’t no frown.
Many trials may come your way,
But trust in Him, you’ll be okay.


Breaking News ### James 3:13 ###

Breaking News: James 3:13 – “Wisdom from Above” Exposed! In an exclusive revelation, James implores all to seize upon true wisdom from above, displaying humility and genuine actions. Experts dub it a game-changer amidst divisive debates. Storms of envy and disunity expected to decline as global citizens embrace this revolutionary message. Can this ancient wisdom mend our fractured world? Stay tuned for updates!


Chillax Verse of the Day Acts 4:12!

Alright, my dudes, dig this… Let me break it down for ya. Acts 4:12? It’s like the ultimate life hack, bro! It’s all about this rad dude named Jesus. He says, “Yo, dudes, I’m the only way to true salvation and good vibes.” So, if you wanna ride that spiritual wave, hop on board with Jesus, bro!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 5:30!

“Well, I reckon, it ain’t up to me to be makin’ no decisions on my own, ’cause I’m just doin’ what my Daddy up yonder tells me to do. He sure knows best, y’all! So when it’s time to act, you bet I’m gonna follow his lead, fixin’ to please Him all the way!”