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September 12, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Jeremiah 17:7-8!

Yo, listen up to the story of Jeremiah,
He knows the secret to saving ya,
Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
No need to stress, He’s got your back, Take His word!

They’re like a tree planted by the water,
No wither or drought, they never falter,
No need to fear, even when times are tough,
They stay green, can’t get enough!

They don’t stress about the heat or lack of rain,
Their roots run deep, they got nothing to gain,
They flourish and grow, they stay so fresh,
Trusting in God, they stand tall, no stress!

So if you feel down, just trust and believe,
No need to worry or cause a fuss, achieve!
Keep trusting in Him, and you’ll never fall,
Like a cool tree, standing strong, that’s all!


Breaking News ### Philippians 4:4 ###

Breaking News: Philippians 4:4 – “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” This powerful message urges believers to find eternal joy amidst turmoil! Paul’s epistle unveils the secret to navigating hardships, urging followers of Christ to celebrate, overcoming adversity with unyielding faith and thanksgiving. Extraordinary revelation ignites hope across the globe today!


Chillax Verse of the Day Ephesians 2:8-10!

Yo, my dudes, check this out: It ain’t about what we do or how hard we hustle, it’s all about that higher power, man. He be hookin’ us up with grace, just by showin’ some faith. Ain’t nothin’ we can boast about, ’cause we all just masterpieces, created to do some righteous stuff. Total cosmic vibes, bro.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Nehemiah 9:5!

Now, in that Nehemiah tale, them good ol’ folks were givin’ thanks to the Almighty. They praised Him proper, sayin’ “Ya sure are a stand-up guy, Lord! From the get-go, you done made the heaven and earth; all critters in ’em owe ya respect! Mighty fine work, Lord, mighty fine!” Ha! Love it!