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September 8, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 34:4!

Yo, check it out, listen to me roar,
I called to the Lord, He answered, what’s more?
No more fears, my troubles are done,
Like a true boss, I praise the Holy One.
So put on your dancing shoes, let’s have some fun,
God’s got my back, He’s Number One!


Breaking News ### Psalm 143:10 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 143:10 Reveals Path to Victory!

In a groundbreaking revelation, the ancient scripture, Psalm 143:10, uncovers the key to triumph in the face of adversity. The psalmist boldly proclaims, “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God!” This powerful plea promises to unlock divine guidance and pave the way to overwhelming success. Stay tuned for more biblical revelations!


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 12:18-21!

Dude, when it comes to dealing with other peeps, be all ‘Zen mode activated’. Peace is where it’s at, man. If someone messes with your vibe, don’t freak out. Let the Universe bring the good karma, stick to the mellow path. Don’t seek revenge, bro. Just spread love, shining that cosmic light and blowing minds with kindness, man!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Leviticus 19:31!

Now listen here, y’all! Don’t go messin’ ’round with them spooky spirits and voodoo junk, ya hear? Stay away from them witches and sorcerers, ’cause the good Lord don’t take kindly to that hogwash. Stick to the Lord’s path and keep your mind clean, you savvy?