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September 5, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Malachi 4:2!

Yo, peeps! Malachi 4:2 is here for you,
Check it out, something fresh and completely true!
“The Sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings,”
Spreading good vibes, no evil it brings!
Get ready for the light to shine so bright,
Bringing joy and blessings, from day to night!
No more darkness, only love that sings,
Malachi 4:2, bringing some dope wings!


Breaking News ### Matthew 28:18-20 ###

Breaking News: Jesus Declares Authority and Orders Global Mission. In a monumental address, Jesus of Nazareth proclaims unmatched power over heaven and earth in a stunning victory announcement. Instructing his disciples, the fearless leader commissions them to spread the Gospel to all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A divine mission for humanity unfolds.


Chillax Verse of the Day Revelation 3:19!

Listen up, man! This verse is all about vibes, you dig? The Big Guy’s got a message for us: “Embrace your mistakes, dudes, and let ’em teach ya. Get back on track before I leave ya hangin’. It’s tough love, but hey, we gotta grow, right? So, get woke, my fellow seekers, and just roll with it, man!” Peace!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Job 8:9!

Looky here and take heed, neighbor, I reckon we’re all jest like a weed. We’re born from dirt, a’sproutin’ up like cornfields in the sun. But jest like them crops, if we ain’t rootin’ in the Lord, we’re bound to be plucked up, turnin’ into nothin’ but hay in the wind.