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August 26, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Job 30:27!

Yo, Job 30:27, let me break it down real quick,
My skin’s all dark, not matching with my clothes, thick.
My bones ain’t all right, like I’ve been hit by a brick,
And my days ain’t cool, no time for any slick.
But hey, I’ll keep going strong, ain’t no time to be sick,
Life’s absurd, but I’ll find joy in this crazy lyrical pick.


Breaking News ### Romans 12:4-5 ###

BREAKING: Local Apostle, Paul of Tarsus, reveals groundbreaking revelation in his letter to Roman Christians. In a mind-blowing statement, Apostle Paul declares, “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ.” Unity amidst diversity hits believers hard! #TransformationThursday


Chillax Verse of the Day Corinthians 13:13!

So, like, dudes and dudettes, there are three groovy things that really rock in life: faith, love, and chill vibes. But the raddest of them all is love, man. Love is like the ultimate trip, it’s all about spreading kindness and good vibes, making the world a groovy place to be, ya know? Peace!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 25:13!

Like a stew without no meat is a tale told by a liar. Just like when you reckon you got a mess of fiddleheads in your pot, and reckon you take a taste, but find out they ain’t nothin’ there! That tale ain’t worth two hairs on a dog’s back, I tell ya.