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August 20, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 6:27!

Don’t waste time stressing ’bout your span,
How tall you are or even your plan.
Just chill for a bit and take a breath,
Worrying ain’t gonna cheat death.
You can’t add inches to your frame,
So why waste time sweating in vain?
Let go of the fuss, relax your mind,
Life’s too cool for worries you bind.


Breaking News ### Psalm 16:8 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 16:8 – In God’s Presence,
finds heart’s true delight; it promises safety, guiding with secure steps. Live reports credit this verse as a source of unwavering trust, instilling strength in the faithful. Breaking through chaos, it offers solace and divine protection. Stay tuned, as this unshakable promise gains popularity, forever altering lives. #Psalm16:8


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 14:10!

So, like, imagine this, dudes: Why you guys judge each other, bro? We all part of this sick club called humanity, so let’s just chill and not harsh each other’s vibes, ya feel me? Cuz, bro, we all gotta stand in front of the big boss someday, and he’s the one to judge, brah. Keep it chill, dudes!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 6:14!

“Now, listen up y’all, if’en y’all forgit ta fergive them folks who dun wronged y’all, then don’t ya reckon the Good Lord gonna hold it ‘gainst ya too? Yessir, jest forgive ’em, and the Good Lord gonna forgive y’all too, ‘stead of reckonin’ all yer wrongdoins.”