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August 15, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Philippians 4:6!

Yo, don’t you worry, don’t you stress,
Just hit the floor, let your prayers progress.
Tell God what you need, don’t hold it back,
No need for anxiety, yo, that’s whack.
With thanksgiving and supplication, stay fly,
And His peace, it’s guaranteed, my oh my.


Breaking News ### Romans 14:8 ###

BREAKING: Romans 14:8 – “For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.” In a stunning revelation, Apostle Paul emphasizes that our purpose lies solely in surrendering our lives to the divine. Profound implications for believers everywhere. Stay tuned for more biblical updates.


Chillax Verse of the Day Jeremiah 29:11-13!

Yo dudes, check it out! Big J says, “I know the plans, man! Plans for peace, not for disasters, bro.” And He’s got your back, if you seek Him with all your heart, man. Get ready to find Him, bro, ’cause you know, when you search with all your heart, that’s when the magic happens. Groovy!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 11:25!

“Now listen here y’all, reckon if ya share yer taters with others, the good Lord’s gonna bless ya twofold. Ain’t nothin’ like puttin’ a smile on folks’ faces when they’s hungry. So go ahead ‘n spread that love ‘n chow down together, ’cause kindness is contagious like a chickenpox in a barnyard!”