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August 14, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Leviticus 5:1!

Yo, listen up, it’s time to confess,
For all the sins we did, we must address.
If you sin unintentional, my friend,
Don’t let that guilt bring you to the end.
Bring an offering to the priest, no need to grieve,
And you’ll be forgiven, so just believe!


Breaking News ### Revelation 3:14,20 ###

Breaking News:
In a stunning revelation, a letter from the ancient city of Laodicea has been uncovered. Addressed to the Church, it claims divine authority! The sender, identified as the “Amen, the faithful and true witness” urges all to open the door and fellowship with Him. A message of urgency and possibility is delivered. Stay tuned for updates! (55 words)


Chillax Verse of the Day Lamentations 3:22-23!

Duuuude, lemme drop some wisdom: The universe still errday surprises us, ya dig? Its love and compassion, they never run dry, bro. Bright mornings are like those dope rays of hope that keep shining on our path. Trust, man, the universe got our back, always sparklin’ with fresh opportunities each day, ya feel me?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Timothy 1:16!

Ya see, ol’ Timmy, he done skedaddled outta Dodge,
But one feller named Onesiphorus, he didn’t budge.
He done found Paul, stuck right in a bind,
Yeehaw! He done helped him, ain’t that one of a kind?
Now lemme tell ya, we oughta consider that there,
Bein’ a true friend, like Onesiphorus, ain’t common, I swear!