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August 5, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 6:22!

Yo, Romans 6:22 straight in my flow,
Used to sin, but God said, “No more, bro!”
Slaves to righteousness, now we got class,
No more holing dirty secrets, get rid of that trash!
No shame, no guilt, livin’ free at last,
In Jesus, we find freedom that’ll always last!


Breaking News ### Psalm 119:130 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 119:130 – ‘The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.’ Divine revelation today enlightening minds and bringing clarity. Proclaimed as a beacon of wisdom and guidance. Experts claim it possesses the power to transform and illuminate even the most naive. Stay tuned for more updates on this remarkable revelation.


Chillax Verse of the Day Proverbs 31:30!

Yo, listen up, my fellow dudes and dudettes! A fine lady ain’t defined by the bling or the tight threads she rocks. Nah, it’s all about what’s within — like her vibe, kindness, and her sick sense of humor. Now that, my friends, is what truly makes her the bomb. Word!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 6:49-50!

Well, ole Jesus saw them apostles strugglin’ in that boat, rowin’ like crazy in the dark. Then all of a sudden, he just goes for a strolly strollin’ on the dang water, scarin’ the livin’ bejeezers outta them! He hollers, “Fear not, y’all! It’s just me, your lovable Savior!” They dang near pee their britches!