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August 4, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 15:34!

Yo, listen up, Corinthians, I’m here to enlighten,
Wake up from snoozin’ and stop all that fightin’,
Don’t be fools, no time for snoozin’,
Get off your buns, quit the boozin’,
Time to get your minds straight, open up your sight,
Stop actin’ crazy, start walkin’ in the light.


Breaking News ### Jeremiah 33:2-3 ###

Breaking News: Divine Message Unleashed! In a staggering revelation, the Lord Almighty spoke to the prophet Jeremiah! Urgent reports reveal that Jeremiah 33:2-3 unveils a divine offer – promising insight, mysteries, and profound wisdom. Call upon the Lord, and prepare to be astounded as hidden truths are unveiled! Stay tuned for the secret to unravelling life’s enigmas.


Chillax Verse of the Day Corinthians 9:8-9!

For real, man, the big G’s got your back, you know? He’s droppin’ blessings like they’re hot, dude. So, don’t trip, stay cool. Cheerfully share the goodness he gives you and watch the blessings rain down on you, bro. That’s how he rolls. It’s all about the love, man. Peace!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 6:31!

Well now, Jesus done told his disciples, “Y’all come on over here an’ rest a spell, reckon we all need a break from the hustle an’ bustle.” So they climbed in that ol’ boat an’ meandered off to a secluded spot fer some good ol’ R&R. Jes’ goes to show, even the Son of God needed a break!