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August 1, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Mark 11:25!

Yo, listen up, don’t you miss this cue,
Mark 11:25’s got some wisdom for you.
When you stand to pray, and hold no grudges tight,
Forgive your homies, make it all right.

See, forgiveness is key to a peaceful life,
Dropping the drama, killing the strife.
So, let it go, don’t hold on to the past,
Forgive others, and yourself, too, real fast.


Breaking News ### Psalm 119:114 ###

Breaking: Psalm 119:114 – “You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word.” In this breaking news, the timeless scripture reveals a profound truth. Your refuge and defense can be found in God’s promises. Amidst chaos, find solace and hope in his faithful word. Stay tuned for more biblical updates.


Chillax Verse of the Day Isaiah 35:4!

Yo, listen up, bros! Isaiah 35:4 be like, “Chill out, dudes, no worries! Stay steady and be strong, because the Big Guy upstairs is comin’ in hot and He’s got your back. Don’t stress, He’s gonna save the day! Trust in Him, and your fears will be history, just like that, bro!” Amen to that, my righteous homies!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 6:28!

Ya cain’t go touchin’ yer neighbor’s wife, ’cause reckon if ya try that, fire’ll burn ya up, an’ no amount of rubbin’ can make it go away. Ya gotta keep yer mitts to yerself ‘stead of stirrin’ up a mess ya can’t clean up.