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July 27, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 32:5!

Yo, listen up, this one’s for real,
I gotta confess, it’s a great deal.
I did some wrong, I messed up my life,
But I ain’t gonna front, I won’t take that strife.

I said, “God, I messed up, I admit my mistake,
Forgive me, my sins, for heaven’s sake!”
And guess what? The Lord forgave me outright,
No blame, no shame, it’s like a clean slate, aight?

So if you’re feeling down, like you’re stuck in a rut,
Remember, God’s forgiveness is always a cut.
Just confess your sins, no need to despair,
He’s got your back, and He truly cares.

So let’s kick it, repent and be free,
His mercy is endless, don’t you see?
With God on our side, we can’t go wrong,
His forgiveness is the beat to our brand-new song!


Breaking News ### Hebrews 12:1 ###

Breaking News: “Hebrews 12:1” – an Encouraging Message for All!

In a groundbreaking revelation, “Hebrews 12:1” delivers a timely call to persevere! Weary from life’s challenges? Seek inspiration as a great cloud of witnesses urges you to shed every hindrance and run the race with endurance. This divine message resonates, boosting courage and reigniting hope. Stay tuned for uplifting revelations! #FaithMatters


Chillax Verse of the Day Ephesians 3:20-21!

Yo, check it: the big man upstairs be like, “Bro, I’m ’bout to blow your mind!” He got mad power, like way above our wildest dreams. He be doin’ work in us that’s straight up mind-blowing. And all that goodness? It’s gonna keep on going, forever and ever. Ain’t nothin’ gonna stop his crazy awesome flow, man!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 17:4!

“Now, them Thessalonians heard Paul n’ Silas a-preachin’, ’bout that there Jesus feller, right? And some of ’em, they done believ’d, ‘long with a lotta other folks. But them Jews, they got all riled up, and started a fussin’, stirrin’ up trouble for them good ol’ boys. What a hoot!”