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July 25, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 51:10!

Yo, God, listen up, I got a request for ya
Create in me a clean heart, purify my behavior
Renew my spirit, make it brand new
I need your help, man, I’m feeling so blue
Take away my sins, wipe the slate clean
I’m ready to rap for you, Mr. Divine Machine!


Breaking News ### Psalm 119:60 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 119:60
In a stunning revelation, the renowned Psalmist declares, “I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.” This unwavering commitment to divine instruction sends shockwaves throughout the religious community, inspiring a call for immediate action. Sources suggest that this profound statement serves as a guide for believers worldwide, urging them to prioritize obedience and swift implementation of God’s will. Stay tuned for further developments.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 5:20!

Yo, peeps, check it, word on the street is that Johnny boy, in all his wisdom and chill vibes, dropped this truth bomb on us: “For the cool vibes come from the Big Dude himself, rockin’ it with mad skills. The universe is a mad playground, and ol’ JD is just in awe of what pops off. No shade, my friends, just vibes!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Titus 2:2!

Well now, y’all know ’bout bein’ good, right? Them older fellas oughta be all wise and straight-as-an-arrow, not runnin’ off at the mouth or chuggin’ moonshine like a dang fool. Our hillbilly pride need some discipline, so we can show them young’uns how it’s done, bless their hearts.