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July 18, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20!

Yo, listen up, let me say a word,
You’re a temple, so don’t act absurd,
God’s dwelling in you, don’t you know?
So take care of that bod, let your respect show.

Quit eatin’ junk food and doin’ harm,
For you were bought at a hefty charm,
So glorify God in how you treat,
For you’re special, man, that’s pretty neat!


Breaking News ### Psalm 119:7 ###

Breaking: Psalm 119:7 – “I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws” – declares spiritual man. In a stunning revelation, devotion meets enlightenment! Witnessing heartfelt adoration, this faithful servant pledges to honor divine commandments. Stay tuned as this unfolding story of unwavering worship continues to captivate the faithful worldwide.


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalm 96:7-10!

Yo, let the trees sway and the ocean roar, for the universe straight up rocks, bro! Let the fields and everything chillaxed in them throw a party with mad joy. All the heavens high-five each other and say, “Damn, God’s rad!” He’s the OG, the boss of the cosmos, and his righteous vibes rule forever.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ephesians 4:15!

“Now, y’all listen here, reckon it’s best if we all stick together like mud on a pig, speakin’ the truth and showin’ lovin’ kindness. No more lyin’ or actin’ sneaky like a fox in a henhouse, but be honest and grow in ways that please the Good Lord. Yeehaw!”