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July 12, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 51:1-2!

Yo, listen up, this rap’s about remorse,
I’m spitting verses, don’t need no chorus,
Oh God, have mercy, cleanse all my sin,
Wash me clean, let the new life begin!

I messed up big time, made mistakes galore,
But I’m here to confess, can’t take it no more,
I need your love, forgiveness without regret,
So wipe it all away, don’t hold back, God, just yet!


Breaking News ### Matthew 4:4 ###

Breaking News: Unveiling of Matthew 4:4 Highlights Spiritual Revolution!

In a shocking revelation, Matthew 4:4 showcases a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus Christ: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” This profound statement has ignited a spiritual revolution, challenging conventional norms and emphasizing the importance of nourishing souls alongside bodies. Stay tuned for remarkable developments! #SpiritualRevolution


Chillax Verse of the Day Peter 2:9-10!

Alright, man, listen up! Peter, my dude, he said we’re all like, groovy, chosen dudes and dudettes. We’re spiritual rebels, lighting up the world with good vibes. Keep it real, spread the love, show kindness, man. Stay woke, because you’re the bomb, a total blessing in disguise. Embrace your inner stoner with righteous living, dude!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 23:22!

Listen here, young’n! Y’all better pay attention to yer mama and pappy. Treat ’em right, don’t ever go makin’ ’em feel low. They done raised ya and love ya somethin’ fierce. So don’tcha go breakin’ their ol’ hearts, reckon? Yer kinfolk should always be near and dear, no matter what, doggone it!