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July 10, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 6:9-11!

Listen up, people, I got some good news to share,
So get ready to groove, ’cause we don’t have a care.
Back in the day, we used to love to party,
Doing all sorts of things that were straight up naughty.

But now, let me tell ya, it’s a whole new game,
No more sinning, we’re all on the right lane.
No more liars, thieves, or folks full of greed,
‘Cause through Christ’s love, we’ve been set free indeed!


Breaking News ### Philippians 1:6 ###

BREAKING: In an exclusive update, a promising development has emerged! Philippians 1:6 reveals groundbreaking news – “And I am confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Stay tuned as we unveil God’s unwavering commitment to your transformation!


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalms 118:8!

Like, this verse from Psalms 118:8 is like, totally mind-blowing, man! It’s all like, “Dude, it’s so much better to trust in the Lord than to rely on anyone or anything else, ya know?” Yeah, the Divine power is where it’s at, my dudes. So, like, trust in the Most High and groove on, for real!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 6:6-7!

Now lemme tell ya ’bout Isaiah 6:6-7, y’all. Ol’ Isaiah, he was standin’ there, shakin’ in his boots. Then a critter flew down with a red-hot coal, serenaded by some angelic fellas, and touched Isaiah’s lips with it! Hoo-wee! That coal done cleansed him real good, swear. Ain’t that somethin’?