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July 4, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of James 1:15!

Verse 15, here’s the scoop,
When desire’s at its highest loop,
It conceives and births sin for sure,
And sin, my friend, ain’t cool no more.
Then sin grows up, makes trouble arise,
It takes you for a wicked surprise.
So keep your desires in check, don’t slip,
Or else sin’s gonna give you a hard flip.


Breaking News ### Psalm 33:12 ###

Breaking: Psalm 33:12 reveals divine intervention! The Lord eyes nations, strategies crumble. Amidst chaos, blessed the people he chooses to inherit his land. Shockingly, it’s clear – the Creator watches! His sovereign hand guides, nations’ attempts futile. Exclusive insight shows favor towards those pledged to righteousness. Newsflash: Divine power alters earthly dynamics, shakes global order!


Chillax Verse of the Day John 8:31-32!

So, like, Jesus was all, “Yo, if you stick with me and dig what I’m saying, you’ll know the real deal. And, dudes, the truth is gonna set you free from all that bogus stuff. No kidding, man! No more fake vibes, just genuine freedom, baby! Righteous!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Galatians 5:1!

Now, listen up, y’all! Christ done set us free, so don’t y’all go shacklin’ up again with all them rules and regulations. That ain’t no way to live, my kinfolk! We gotta enjoy this freedom like a hog wallowin’ in the mud. Ya hear me? Giddy up, y’all!