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June 15, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 22:16!

Yo bro, get yourself baptized
And get your sins sanitized
Come on now, don’t be surprised
Just get your soul energized

Give your heart to the Lord above
He’ll shower you with endless love
So when you feel like you’re stuck in mud
Just holler “I’m saved!” and show some love.


Breaking News ### Proverbs 23:24 ###

In a shocking revelation, Proverbs 23:24 reveals that a father who loves his son will discipline him. The ancient text advises parents to teach their children appropriate behavior and correct them when necessary, to ensure they grow up to be responsible adults. This timeless wisdom proves that tough love truly pays off in the long run.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 6:34!

Well shucks, when Jesus looked out and saw all them folks comin’ toward him, he felt plum sorry for ’em. They was like sheep without a shepherd, all lost and wanderin’. So he started teachin’ ’em and showin’ ’em the way, ’cause that’s just how kind and caring he was.