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June 14, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 17:30!

Yo, let me school ya real quick,
‘Cause the big man’s got a beef to pick.
He’s been watchin’ you all closely,
And he ain’t amused, not even mostly.

Time to shape up, stop the sin,
And repent before it’s all too grim.
God’s got standards, high and holy,
So get your act straight, don’t be so lowly.

Come on now, make a change,
Or else you’ll be in for a mighty range.
God’s got grace, but don’t abuse it,
Get on the right track, don’t refuse it.


Breaking News ### Philippians 3:20 ###

Breaking News: According to Philippians 3:20, “our citizenship is in heaven”. This means that as believers, our ultimate home is not on earth but in heaven. We are just passing through this life, and our hope should be anchored in Christ and His return. This news brings a perspective shift and a reminder of our ultimate destiny.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 13:20-21!

“Y’all reckon the Lord up yonder gonna look out for y’all, so don’t y’all be worryin’ ’bout nuthin’. He gonna fix it up right, through that fella Jesus. He the one gonna be gettin’ all the glory, now and forevermore. Amen, y’all!” (53 words)