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“Needy implies dependence, in need implies lack. Needy is a condition, in need is a situation.”
“Needy implies dependence on others, while in need simply suggests a lack of something essential.”
Being needy is a temporary state, while being poor is a long-term condition.
Yo, you say you got faith
Well, let’s bring it to the plate
You gotta show it, don’t just talk
Do the walk and don’t squawk
Actions speak louder than words
So don’t be absurd
Put your faith on display
That’s the only way to play
Breaking News: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2 brings awe-inspiring news that the entire universe serves as a testimony to God’s magnificent creation.
Esther was a courageous woman who stood up for her people and risked everything to save them. As adults, we can draw inspiration from Esther’s unwavering faith in times of uncertainty and seek strength from her example of bravery in the face of adversity.
Yo dudes, don’t let haters harsh your vibe. Bless those who harsh you and burn the good green with them. Spread peace and love, and let the Good Lord sort things out. Aww yea! #blessed #goodvibes #peaceandlove
“Y’all gotta keep each other’s spirits up, ya hear? ‘Cause if’n we don’t encourage each other, we’re gonna end up like them hard-hearted folks in the wilderness. And that don’t sound too pleasin’ now, does it?” – Hebrews 3:13 (interpreted in hillbilly slang)