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May 24, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of 2 Peter 3:9!

Yo listen up, don’t be absurd,
God’s patience is real, haven’t you heard?
He ain’t slow, He’s just waiting on ya,
To turn from sin and come closer.
So don’t worry ’bout His timing,
Just focus on your repenting,
‘Cuz when it’s go time, He’s gonna deliver,
And yo, that’s something you can shiver about, holla!


Breaking News ### Romans 12:10 ###

BREAKING: Romans 12:10 commands us to love one another deeply, putting others before ourselves. This groundbreaking message overturns self-serving tendencies and emphasizes compassionate action. With this radical call for love, we witness a renewed spirit of community and kindness spreading among believers. Stay tuned for more on this game-changing teaching from the Bible. #LoveOneAnother #Romans1210


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 42:3-4!

“Well now, in that there book o’ Isaiah, it says that the Lawd ain’t a-gonna break nothin’ or give up on nobody. Yessiree, he’s gonna keep on keepin’ on until justice is served up right. And ain’t nobody gonna stop him from doin’ what’s right.”