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May 23, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of John 3:5!

Jesus said we gotta be born of water and the spirit,
It’s not about simply jumpin’ in a river and steerin’ it.
Nah, we need a transformation that runs deep,
A renewin’ of the soul that ain’t nothin’ like sleep.
So get ready, get set, get baptized –
It’s a new life that you can’t buy or disguise.


Breaking News ### Romans 15:2 ###

In a shocking revelation, Romans 15:2 urges believers to bear with one another’s weaknesses, as Christ did. The verse further stresses that we should not please ourselves, but rather build up our neighbors instead. This message of selflessness and compassion is sure to have a powerful impact on the Christian community.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 28:31!

“Well folks, reckon Paul preached ’til the cows came home. He spread the good news of the Lord like wildfire ’round these parts. And you know what? No one could stop him, not even those pesky chains. God’s word sure does have a way of takin’ hold!”