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April 24, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 31:1-31!

Yo, listen up and hear me clear,
Proverbs 31 is what you gotta hear,
It’s all ’bout the perfect wife,
Who can balance her life with a knife,
She wakes up early, works all day,
Buys fields, sews clothes, and slays,
She’s a boss lady, strong and wise,
So all you fellas, take some advice!


Breaking News ### 1 Peter 1:18-19 ###

Breaking News: In a stunning revelation, the apostle Peter declares that humanity has been redeemed with “the precious blood of Christ” in a new message from 1 Peter 1:18-19. This sacrifice has set us free from sin and death, offering us a new life and hope for eternity. Stay tuned for more updates on this life-changing development.


The Value of Hard Work: Honoring God with Our Efforts

Teaching young children the value of hard work is essential to honoring God. By instilling good work ethic and integrity in them at an early age, we train them to understand that all work, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, is important when done for God’s glory. The effort they put into their chores or schoolwork can be a reflection of their love for God.


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 12:17!

Yo, don’t let your vibe get harshed, fam. Do right by everyone and stay chill. No need for revenge or getting even, just kick back and let karma handle it. Keep the love and good vibes flowin’ and you’ll stay groovy, dude. Peace out.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Timothy 6:6!

“Well shucks! If’n ya got a good bellyful o’ vittles an’ a roof over yer noggin, ya done hit the jackpot. Them thangs is more cherishable ‘n gold or silver, y’all hear? Don’t git all riled up ’bout gettin’ rich, reckon it’s just a heap o’ trouble anyhow.”