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April 22, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Ephesians 5:22-25!

Yo ladies listen up, let’s get real,
Husbands in the house, this is how you feel,
Submit to your man, that’s what it’s about,
With love and respect, no need to shout.

And guys, step up, lead the way,
Treat your girl like a queen every day,
Love her like Christ, ready to give,
And watch your marriage grow and live.


Breaking News ### Romans 1:20 ###

Breaking News: “Creation reveals God’s invisible qualities,” states Romans 1:20. The Apostle Paul writes that God’s existence and power are revealed through his creation. From the smallest organism to the grandest galaxy, all testify to the Creator’s majesty. This verse serves as a reminder to all humanity that God is evident in the world around us.


Chillax Verse of the Day Hebrews 2:6-8!

Yo bros, lemme hit you with some deep thoughts from Hebrews 2:6-8. It’s like God crowned us humans with supreme swag and authority over His creation. But sometimes we mess it up and act like fools, ya know? Even Jesus had to struggle through some tough times, but in the end, he came out on top, like a boss.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 46:1-2!

Listen here now, God’s a right big ol’ refugium an’ strength, y’all. Yessiree, a mighty help durin’ trouble times! Best believe it, pardner! No need ta fret ’bout them mountains shakin’ or them waters roarin’, God’s got yer back, yeehaw!