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April 18, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Galatians 5:19-21!

Listen up y’all, I gotta say
The works of the flesh, gotta keep ’em at bay
Fornication, idolatry, sowing that strife
These things, they’ll ruin your life
Jealousy, anger, all that hate
They won’t get you to heaven’s gate
So just stick to love, joy, and patience
And you’ll avoid a whole lot of condemnation


Breaking News ### Romans 13:6-7 ###

“Breaking news! Romans 13:6-7 states that taxes must be paid to governing authorities as they’re appointed by God. Those who owe taxes should pay promptly, while respecting and honoring those in authority. Failure to do so is punishable by law. Stay tuned for more updates on the obligations of citizens to their government.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 12:9-13!

Yo, dudes, don’t be posers. Let love be real and don’t front. Hate what’s bogus and hold on to the legit stuff. Share what you got with those who are struggling and show hospitality to everybody. Keep it chill, brah.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 103:6!

Well now, the Lord God is all about justice and won’t let no one get away with nothin’! He’ll make it right for folks who’ve been wronged, whether it’s here on earth or up in heaven. That’s what Psalm 103:6 says, and it’s the truth, ya hear?