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April 3, 2023

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Using your gifts for the glory of God

Even young children can use their God-given gifts for His glory. Encourage them to take initiative and seek ways to serve others. Whether it’s using their creativity to make gifts for friends or lending a helping hand to those in need, every small act done with a loving heart brings honor to God.


Gods Promises for Overcoming Thoughts of Suicide

It can be tough to navigate your teenage years. If you’re struggling with thoughts of suicide, know that you aren’t alone. God has promises to help you overcome. Take comfort in knowing that you are loved and that there is always hope. Reach out to a trusted adult or hotline for support.


Teaching Your Children to be Clean at an Early Age

Instilling the value of cleanliness in children is crucial. By teaching them to clean up after themselves at an early age, we are setting a foundation for tidy habits that will last a lifetime. But it’s never too late for adults to learn and adapt these habits too, leading to a more organized and stress-free life.