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April 2, 2023

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Breaking News ### Matthew 20: 17-19 ###

Breaking News: Jesus Predicts His Death

In a shocking revelation, Jesus of Nazareth has announced that he will be handed over to the chief priests and teachers of the law, who will condemn him to death. This news comes just as Jesus and his disciples were on their way to Jerusalem. According to Matthew 20: 17-19, Jesus also predicts that he will be mocked, flogged, and crucified, but will rise again on the third day. Stay tuned for further updates.


Celebrating New Life in Jesus: The Hope of Easter

Easter is a time of celebration and joy for all Christians, especially young children. It is the season of new beginnings, where we reflect on the resurrection of Jesus and the hope it brings. The Easter story is a wonderful way to teach children about God’s love and the gift of salvation that he offers to each of us.


Building a Strong Foundation on Gods Love

“Teaching young children about the importance of God’s love lays a strong foundation for healthy relationships, including marriage. By emphasizing His unconditional love, children can understand the value of treating others with kindness and respect. This crucial lesson can help them develop into loving and caring partners in the future.”