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March 26, 2023

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Loving Others as Christ Loves Us

Young children can often struggle with showing love towards others. However, it’s important to teach them about the love of Christ and how we should love others in the same way. The book of 1 John provides valuable lessons on loving our friends and treating them with kindness and respect.


The Communion of Saints: Sharing in the Joy of Heaven

As adults, we often struggle to maintain hope and find purpose in life. The concept of the Communion of Saints offers a glimpse into the heavenly realm, where we can experience eternal joy and fulfillment. Sharing in the joy of Heaven can bring peace to our hearts and a renewed sense of purpose to our lives.


Honoring God with Your Body

Sexuality can be a confusing topic for teens, but it’s important to remember that our bodies are a precious gift from God. Honoring God with our bodies means making choices that align with His values and treating ourselves and others with respect and dignity. Let’s strive to use our bodies in ways that bring glory to God.


Breaking News ### Philippians 1:29 ###


Reports just in: It has been revealed that belief in Jesus and the gift of salvation is not something we earn, but a gift from God. This stunning revelation comes from the Bible, specifically Philippians 1:29, which tells us that it has been granted to us by God to believe in Christ. Stay tuned for more updates.


Understanding the Resurrection and Life After Death

Death can be a difficult concept for young children to grasp. Explaining the concept in age-appropriate language can help them understand the idea of life after death. The resurrection is known to be central to Christianity and can be explained in simple terms as being reborn or coming back to life, giving children hope that there’s more to come after death.